without them we are nothing
Concept / Design / Production
I support communicative works, e.g. for the Museum Ludwig, the Theater im Bauturm or the Westdeutsche Sinfonia Leverkusen. Among the works are stickers with collector's value, audible websites or postcards.
Westdeutsche Sinfonia Leverkusen
Museum Ludwig / poptalk ︎ arttalk
Museum Ludwig Cologne
Conception of an exhibition design with interactive media - that is the title of my Bachelor Thesis, which I wrote with the Museum Ludwig (Prof. Dr. Martin Gertler as supervisor, The successful conceptual work turned into a real project - an interactive museum app for smartphones that integrates a clever information system, audio guides and communication system with social media (realized in cooperation with the Atelier für Mediengestaltung, AFM). With the introduction of the app in the Museum Ludwig, a successful and strategic use of social media for the museum was achieved. The integration of art into social media generated a great deal of interest in reporting media such as the design magazine Page or the Focus. In addition, the app can be used as a modular system called arttalk for any museum.
without them we are nothing
Concept / Design / Production
I support communicative works, e.g. for the Museum Ludwig, the Theater im Bauturm or the Westdeutsche Sinfonia Leverkusen. Among the works are stickers with collector's value, audible websites or postcards.
Westdeutsche Sinfonia Leverkusen
Museum Ludwig / poptalk ︎ arttalk
Museum Ludwig Cologne
Conception of an exhibition design with interactive media - that is the title of my Bachelor Thesis, which I wrote with the Museum Ludwig (Prof. Dr. Martin Gertler as supervisor, The successful conceptual work turned into a real project - an interactive museum app for smartphones that integrates a clever information system, audio guides and communication system with social media (realized in cooperation with the Atelier für Mediengestaltung, AFM). With the introduction of the app in the Museum Ludwig, a successful and strategic use of social media for the museum was achieved. The integration of art into social media generated a great deal of interest in reporting media such as the design magazine Page or the Focus. In addition, the app can be used as a modular system called arttalk for any museum.

René Siem (Media Design BA) 2018 — Cologne, Germany